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ななし 2021-10-19 02:30 #45566


わからない 2021-10-14 23:03 #44277


神器 2021-10-06 06:27 #41457

【雰囲気】今は農民鯖です。各一族、鯖戦三方ヶ原 全てのイベントには協力的です。

豪族次回5レベル 楽勝かと豪族バフ3で後期出場

【設楽】3勝1敗(24鯖に初戦敗退 他全勝鯖名忘れた 10鯖鯖代だった気がする  幕府一族のやる気は半端ない

【留学・移籍】完全に自由です。移籍される際は神威だけではなく、幕府一族(月夜 鬼神 麦芽 葉隠 ゲド戦記 幻影旅団にもご案内しますし、イベント農民メイン一族に移籍も可能です などの楽しめそうな一族に加入することができます。
獅子の如くを楽しめる一族に加入しましょう( ゚∀゚)

【高等鉱山】幕府許可一族のみ 速度制限あり28万以上 30万以上に改定予定

来季出場も可能性大 二つの一族で参加予定

月1賞金 大会〜かくれんぼ クイズ大会など〜


戦力関してt8t9の方に関してもアクティブなら受け入れますよー! こちらに関しては面接次第ですが自分で負担してもらう場合が多いと思います 農民三方ヶ原参加不可能も歓迎

お城の関してですが 自由にしてください笑 


ななし 2021-10-01 17:12 #39498


ななし 2021-09-22 11:51 #34918


ななし 2021-09-19 17:23 #33511



ななし 2021-09-19 17:02 #33498


ななし 2021-09-19 10:48 #33269


ななし 2021-09-19 10:43 #33261


ななし 2021-09-19 10:36 #33253

How To Get People To Reply To Your Messages In online dating site

it’s true that “associated with people” May indeed like to start off slower but those data show clearly that for male initiated communication longer messages have increased odds of reply. Each strategy probably appeals to a different type of recipient. So the chosen strategy can be thought to partition the potential recipients into the different types. (If you return ‘A’ a long message and A replies A is of the type who likes long messages. ‘A’ correctly might ignore all short messages. B might have the exact opposite taste of A.)At this level of abstraction there’s not a wrong answer to problem. By that I mean that the details and content of a message whether long or short are probably essential than the length for any given case. But if you’re somebody prefers to act in an open, Earnest manner it’s probably best to go with that and partition out people who find themselves mistrustful, Cynical or cold turned off by open, Earnest action and message styles. An analogous statement holds for you if you prefer to act more closeted, delicate and aloof.

it’s probably heresy here, But almost all people still consider email a terrible way to get to know someone and online means in general to be extremely limited. An online dating service should be like Google: Give me many options, And I’ll make a quick low bandwidth decision whether to invest in a face to face encounter. Engaging in an email conversation with someone won’t result in a better decision than making a snap judgment based on their picture and profile. I [url=https://www.bestbrides.net/adam4adam-review-just-fakes-or-real-dates/]adam4adam login[/url] think it’s more likely to result in a worse decision, possibly. so you’ll want to meet me, bear in mind, You also have to convey that you’re human and that you’ve actually read her profile, And you have to avoid connecting any desperation, arrogance, Or a lot of creepiness. So it’s good to keep it short and make a small conversation about something in her profile just to prove you read it. With the phone call, You’re trying to be interesting enough to get the low risk nose to nose meeting. etcetera.

This assumes that message length is an important factor. Which I bet it’s not at all (forgetting ultra short and ultra long messages). how about you correlate reply with more relevant things like canned message/attractive photo/cool profile/etc. And have effort with a nice pic/interesting profile. This is the strategy that I use and delay pills work out pretty well.

I find OKCupid to be a quite interesting business. The guys who run it are also most definitely hackers; They’ve revealed the science behind their matching algorithms, Their in house web system (Which is open source, on the other hand I’d never touch the stuff, As it is a C++ web app composition, which is just weird and masochistic), And rather a lot about their user data (As in this article). It’s very often pleasant. At least one of them used to comment here at HN there are times, But I don’t recall his nick so i don’t know if he’s still a regular. about the, As a residential area, I think this certainly an relevant to our interests.

ななし 2021-09-19 10:34 #33250


ななし 2021-09-19 10:32 #33249


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